PAHCE 2009 - Mexico City, Mexico, March 16-20, 2009  

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Linking health care needs and technology across the continent

Pan American Health Care Exchanges (PAHCE)
Conference, workshops, and exhibits

ISBN 970–94677–0–0(2006), ISBN 970–94677–2–7 (2007),
ISBN 978-1-60585-006-1 (2008),

AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™; CMA Certification in CME (check for details)
PAHCE 2009: ISBN 978-1-4244-3669-9; Library of Congress: 2008911781; IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0918G

An independent forum for patient care and technology support.
Health Care Engineering

(Applied biomedical and clinical eng.)
Medical Information Technologies
Medicine (patient care)

March 16-20, 2009
Click here for
- where:  Mexico City, Mexico  -  PAHCE 2009 hosted by INR

Session's chairs with a substantial number of papers will become the members of the International Professional Board. 
Proposals to organize the sessions (with English or Spanish as an official language) should be submitted as soon as possible.

Deadlines and general registration information  
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Registration  (or go to main menu Program/Regist. - Registration)


See main menu Call for Papers/General Information for details

Online registration starting October 25, 2008 (See Program - Registration)
December 15, 2008 - Early registration deadline: $200
December 20, 2008 - A letter of acceptance – early submissions.  Later submissions:
allow about two weeks from the date of submission as applicable.
February 15, 2009 - Regular registration deadline: $250
February 15, 2009 - Optional extended paper (Format B only) and/or Format A (abstract) submission deadline.

Publication, upon acceptance,  of abstracts (Format A) OR papers (Format B)  in  Conference Proceedings.
subject to registration and information provided to the authors.
Pre-register for Academic/Author/Organizational/Students registration discount code information and rates via email.  (Time sensitive, separate deadlines apply for the discount codes)
- complete pre-registration form at or see Program – Registration - Pre-registration.
(Already pre-registered participants/authors who submitted abstracts will be notified).

(Past and present) In cooperation with: PAHO (Pan American Health Organization), WHO (World Health Organization)   

Endorsed by: IFMBE , IUPESM

Supporting organizations: INR, CINVESTAV, ICYTDF, SOMIB, UABC, ACSUP, ACCE, CMIA, EMBS, IEEE,  and more >

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"....the most affordable international professional experience and medical technology products access and exposure in a place (Southern California) with one of the worlds highest concentrations of healthcare institutions, industry, and academia.  A gateway of technology/products transfer to the countries of Pan American continent and the Pacific…" meeting in 2009 in the dynamic and colossal city of Mexico. Low registration costs, hotel and transportation in a variety of economic ranges, and social networking functions are available.
(see Help & Support - Testimonials and other applicable sections)

See Call for Papers - General Information for more details

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